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David J. Montgomery

Oh, and in case it's not obvious, "Ratatouille" will win Best Animated Feature.

(Lamentably for someone who used to review movies, I haven't seen a single one of these films.)

Deborah Graff

I fondly remember the year I won a prize at someone's oscar party thanks to your picks.

I've seen Juno--that's it.

Carrot Top should definitely host next year. Think of the budget he would get for his props, not to mention the money he could invest in a few more plastic surgeries to prepare for the big night.

Cameron Hughes

I think its a crime I've never hosted the Oscars! I'm young! Hip! Adorably crippled!


You should definitely see LA VIE EN ROSE. Excellent biopic, probably one of the best I've ever seen of a singer's story. Instead of a straight chronological structure, the film seamlessly moves into different time periods, withholding some important information until the very end. Marion Cotillard was magnificent. I could hardly believe the gorgeous young actress accepting her Oscar was the same person in the movie.


I like Daniel Day-Lewis so much , he it's the best actor

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David J. Montgomery is the thriller/mystery critic for The Daily Beast and the Chicago Sun-Times. He has written about authors and books for several of the country's largest newspapers, including the Washington Post, USA Today and Boston Globe.

He lives in the Washington, D.C. suburbs with his wife and daughters.

Email David J. Montgomery



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