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October 18, 2011


Brandt Dodson

Great post.
Chandler's work is often copied, but rarely dupicated. In his day, he was one of two who thought "out of the box'.

The Gimlet goes to show the power that fiction has to influence our lives. Bond's Vodka Martini has done the same and I suspect others will follow.

Brandt Dodson
Colton Parker - When no one else will do.


Thanks for this post. I've always been fascinated by the gimlet but I hadn't realized that Chandler had popularized it in the States. I've wondered often where he came across it. If it was invented in the early 20th Century, maybe he drank it in London or, perhaps, in France during the war. If you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them. www.tomwilliamsonline.com

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David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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