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May 18, 2009


Evil Ray

'Savage Season' is the first of Joe R. Lansdale's 'Hap and Leonard' novels, but I think you're describing a book later in the series, 'Rumble Tumble'.

Evil Ray

Sorry, that'd be the second book.

Corey Wilde

I recognized the first one right off. It's CON ED by Matthew Klein. Terrific book.

David J. Montgomery

Oh sure, I read CON ED. I think I even reviewed it.

Good pull, Corey.

David J. Montgomery

I got confirmation from both readers that these were the right books.

You folks rock!

Corey Wilde

I like this game. Can we do it again sometime?

Cameron Hughes

David, I'm surprised you didn't get that the second book was Rumble Tumble by Joe R. Lansdale, even though nearly every detail was wrong.

David J. Montgomery

I've never read Lansdale, although that kinda sounds like what I imagine his books are like. (And I don't mean that disparagingly.)

First Edition Crime Fiction

First edition books are collector's items and are definitely great to own. While first editions of some books can be exorbitantly costly and out of reach for common people, hyper modern first edition books are often available at reasonable price. If you are lucky, these modern first edition books can even be signed by authors which make them even more valuable.

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David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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