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March 28, 2008


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Doug Riddle

Great advice from a great writer. I am big fan of Barry's books and his website, especially the "For Writers" section.

I think it is interesting that the first bullet-point on Barry's list is....."Keep writing. Can't emphasize this one enough."

Writers write. That is how we get better.


You know, I've been reading writing and industry blogs for two years to "get to know" the business, but I think what you've provided here in the last week has been the most valuable of all of it. Thanks for taking so much time to cover it.

Incidentally, your "Overnight Success" testimonials have also been very eye-opening.

Elaine Flinn

Glad to see this reprised, David. Good advice - such as this - is never outdated.

And I'll join Christa in the chorus - the past few days have created some terrific conversations - and superb advice.


Great advise, Barry. I go crazy when I tell people to just keep writing and they tell me, they "don't have time." Ugh, neither do I - I make time.



Who's Barry Eisler?

David Montgomery

You know.... The fat bald guy.

Doug Riddle

you forgot the hunchback

David Montgomery

No, that's Guyot.

Elaine Flinn

And the hair lip...

Doug Riddle

Who's Guyot?

Elaine Flinn

"Who's Guyot?"

The hunchback with the hair lip. Oh, and he stutters too, poor darling. So be kind, okay?

p.s. Don't let him hug you. He sometimes drools.

Mr THomas Alan Thomas

Noir Nation is looking for writers, stories, and graphic novels in category crime/noir.


More info: [email protected]

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David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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