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September 21, 2007



Oh cool! I didn't hear about Chuck. You know that's a given, for me. :-)

Kind of a disappointing set. I'm still bummed they canceled Commander in Chief and Six Degrees from last year. I'm looking forward to several continuing series, though.


Your last two are my favorite!

Forget this crime fic blog and start a TV review blog!


Thanks for grading! Cane is on my watchlist after reading Entertainment Weekly's fall lineup, I am glad you gave it a good grade.

Cameron Hughes

I love Chuck and Reaper the most.

Very few things would get me to try Cavemen, given how much I hate the commercials

Tim Maleeny

Thanks for using the term "unwatchable" in a review...classic. Guyot's right, you should start a TV and movie blog!

Elaine Flinn

Move over Entertainment Tonight...Montgomery is loose.

Thanks for saving me so many hours! I LOVE this new side of you!

Clea Simon

The plotting on K-Ville may be subpar, but we've watched the first two just for the location. Besides, the cast is good and the show is pumping money into the New Orleans economy. I'm giving it a few more weeks and hoping it improves. Otherwise, I agree (with the ones I've seen).

No "Mad Men" though? For us, it is the new "Sopranos."

Lee Goldberg

Aren't Chuck and Reaper the same show??

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The plotting on K-Ville may be subpar, but we've watched the first two just for the location. Besides, the cast is good and the show is pumping money into the New Orleans economy. I'm giving it a few more weeks and hoping it improves. Otherwise, I agree (with the ones I've seen).

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Thanks for grading! Cane is on my watchlist after reading Entertainment Weekly's fall lineup, I am glad you gave it a good grade.

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Chuck (NBC, Premieres September 24, 2007) -- My favorite show of the group. A hip spy thriller reminiscent of Alias, but with more humor. Good action, interesting characters and lots of potential. Grade: A-

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David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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