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October 13, 2006


David Montgomery

By the way, my editor at the Phillie Inquirer (Frank Wilson) has a unique way of dealing with the surplus book situation: he donates them to the prison. I don't know if he actually takes them there himself or not. Wouldn't that be wild?

As a final note, and to stave off any potential misunderstanding, let me make it explicit that I don't want to imply in any way that I'm down on libraries.

If it weren't for libraries, I never would have developed the love for reading, nor the breadth of knowledge of books, that I have today.

I might find the operation of some libraries a little puzzling, but I have great respect for what they do.

Jane Davis

What about local high school libraries? They might need them.

David Montgomery

You know, I thought about that... But do they even carry crime fiction? I don't think my high school did.

 Elaine Flinn

I can't help but laugh thinking convicts are reading mysteries!! Well at least they can identify.


David: An organization in Philadelphia delivers books to prisoners. I think it's called Books Through Bars. Frank may go through that group.

Elaine: Here is evidence that not just crime stories but caper novels are popular in prisons. It's an introduction to Richard Stark's (Donald Westlake) novel The Seventh: http://www.violentworldofparker.com./articles/seventhintro.htm Find your way to the sixth and seventh paragraphs.

Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder is More Fun Away From Home"


I am a high school librarian and yes we do have crime fiction, at least in my library! It is a very popular genre, so I would suggest that you do contact your local high schools. While some titles may be inappropriate, most would be widely read by many students. Our budgets are always getting cut-the federal money we used to get was cut in half this year-so I would think donations of new books would be a welcome addition.


Find an organization that sends books to troops overseas. There are several. Books are always appreciated, and you can be sure they will be read.

Michael Davey

I have attempted to donate books to my local library. They were not interested in seeing them, like you, unless they where 'new'. I had many non-fiction books that the library did not have and I believe would have been a real plus for the library. In the end, I kept the books and am glad I did.

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David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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