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April 02, 2008


John M .

By "art," I assume you mean as a file? Presumably you e-mail the completed review along with that file. Nor, I imagine, is the newspaper interested in scanning a print of the author or the cover of the book?

David Montgomery

Right, digital art. Usually the publicist can provide an author photo or the editor can pull the jacket image off of Amazon or wherever. Ordinarily they handle this at the newspaper and the reviewers aren't involved.

But one time I actually had to scan the book jacket myself and send it to my editor in order to get the book in the paper. The publicist was no help. (It's not always easy dealing with small presses.)

I've also had to rustle up author photos at the last minute when the publisher couldn't supply them. (Again, small press.)

If this stuff can't be produced by deadline, the review is scrapped.

victor gischler

So nothing to do with Karma at all?


David Montgomery

Karma, no. B.O., yes.

Cameron Hughes

You forgot a good one:

You get the book...right before publication, so you either write about it late or not at all

Clea Simon

Or after publication!

Yes, if authors are looking to increase their chances of getting a review, they can make sure their book/ARC is mailed to the relevant book review editors at least three months prior to publication. If there will be a local reading or event, have your publisher send ANOTHER copy at least six weeks in advance, with a note about the local appearance (date, street address, time, local contact at bookstore to confirm), and an author photo. Note that there are also high-res JPEGS available - of the author, not the book cover.

There, something authors can have some control over!


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David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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