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February 26, 2007


cj lyons

Way to go, Phil!! Can't wait to read STIGMA--us thriller-writing baby docs have to stick together, right?

Bill Cameron

I had the great privilege of reading an ARC of Phil's marvelous book, and I'll be buying a copy too! Much success, Phil!

Brett Battles

I'm running out at lunch tomorrow to buy my copy! Way to go, Phil!

(Like Bill, I also was previledge enough to read an advanced copy. It is FANTASTIC.)

Philip Hawley, Jr

David, thanks again for inviting me to your blog kingdom. I see that you draw a very sophisticated and cultured audience--CJ, Bill, and Brett. Thanks for the shout-out, guys and gal!

I was half expecting that Guyot character to show up, but it looks like your cyber-moats and firewalls are all in good working order.


Great interview, Phil. I agree with you: the most exciting part of the process is hearing from readers who truly love your characters and their story.

Elaine Flinn

And you told me you didn't have a sense of humor? I think you did very well, Phil!

And yes - I too had an ARC of STIGMA - and loved it.

Best of luck, Phil.

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David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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