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September 02, 2006


Brett Battles

WOW! Thanks, David. We definitely appreciate it!

Bill Cameron

Wow, this is wonderful. I am quite humbled by what you're doing for us, David. Thank you!

Dave White


toni mcgee causey

Wow, David, you totally rock. I am blown away by what you're doing for us -- thank you!

Sandra Ruttan

One of the best things about being part of the group is that you get to celebrate everyone's achievements and I really appreciate all the support we've received. Thank you.

cj lyons

David, you are truly a gentleman and a scholar!! It's support like this that not only helps thriller writers but also helps readers find new authors and great books.
Thanks, so much!

Gregg Olsen

I'm always the last to come to the party...David, thanks supporting for Killer Year!

Gregg Olsen

Apparently, I've already been to the party given that last post. Well, you know what I mean!


Hi, David. I don't know if you ever review children's or young adult books, but we have a similar collective group called the Class of 2k7. There aren't any classic mysteries or thrillers among our books, but mine does deal with a missing persons case... :D

David J. Montgomery

You might want to wait to thank me until you read my reviews... :)

Greg, I've never reviewed any children's or YA books. I've talked about it, now that I'm a father, but realistically I probably don't have the time.


Well...we'd be happy to know you're at least keeping the option open as a remote possibility. :D



Since the prevailing wisdom is that even a bad review is better than none at all, I'm going to go for it and thank you in advance. You are awesome!

David J. Montgomery

How does one review a kids' book anyway? Do you mainly just say if you liked the story and the pictures? Seems like they'd be damn short reviews -- maybe I should write some!

 Elaine Flinn

Of course David is awesome! And he's a great supporter of new writers - which I know very well. I owe much of my exposure to David. Even so, he's a hell of great guy besides.

JT Ellison

David, just returned from vacation and heard about your generous offer. Thanks so much -- having this exposure is incredible. Hope your darling little girl is doing well!
All the best,

cheap jordans

Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today.

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About Me

David J. Montgomery is a writer and critic specializing in books and publishing. He is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and The Daily Beast, and has also written for USA Today, the Washington Post, and other fine publications. A former professor of History, he lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two daughters.

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